Online Complaint Book

Company Identification/Adhesion

Love My Car, Lda, located at Rua Monte Rabadas, Lot 8, 4720-387 Amares, has joined the Electronic Complaints Book, without prejudice to the traditional paper format.

Electronic Complaints Book Platform

To access the Complaints Book, visit:

Regulatory/Supervisory Entity

ASAE (Authority for Food and Economic Safety)

Complaint Process - FAQ Complaint Process

What steps should you follow to submit a complaint?

Firstly, the consumer should ensure they have all the necessary information and documentation to fill out the complaint, including the correct identification of the company being complained about.

With all the elements in hand, the consumer should:

      1. Click on the "Submit Complaint" icon - then enter the email address when prompted;
      2. Enter their email address and "Submit" - they will receive a message in their inbox with a link to proceed with their complaint.
      3. Access the Platform's message received in their email and click the link within 60 minutes, after which it will expire, requiring the process to be repeated as indicated above.
      4. After clicking on this link, the consumer can proceed with the complaint as follows:
      - Enter their personal information;
      - Fill in the details of the complained company - for this, they should perform a smart search including fields such as operator name, address, phone, VAT number. Then, the consumer must select the "sector of activity" the complaint relates to;
      - Fill in the complaint fields with a description of the issue and facts, attaching up to 3 files;
      - Finally, the consumer must confirm if all the information is correct and "Submit".

After completing these 4 steps, the consumer will receive the confirmation of their complaint in their email address, which they can print.

2. To whom is the complaint sent?

When the complaint is submitted through the Platform, it is automatically sent to the service provider/goods supplier and simultaneously to the regulatory entity of the sector. The consumer will also receive a copy of the complaint submitted in PDF format to their email address.

3. Who can access information about the complaint?

The consumer/user who submitted the complaint, as well as the complained service provider/goods supplier and the regulatory entity, can access information about the complaint.

4. Is the goods supplier/service provider obligated to respond to the consumer?

Yes, within 15 working days.

5. How does the consumer receive the response from the goods supplier/service provider to their complaint?

The consumer receives a response to their complaint through the email address they provided when submitting the complaint.

6. How can the consumer track the processing of the submitted complaint?

To track the processing of their complaint, the consumer/user has two options.

  • Through the email address. To do this, they should enter the email address where they will receive a list of complaints made by this same address. Each complaint will have an associated link that, when accessed, will direct to the query page where the complaint details and respective statuses will be displayed.
  • By entering the Complaint Number and Identification Number, searching both in the RTIC base and the Electronic Complaints Book database.


You can directly contact the regulator of the complained sector or check the progress of your complaint through RTIC – Common Information Telematic Network. To check the status of your complaint, simply access the RTIC website, click on the "01 Consumers and Economic Operators" option, and enter your details, including the complaint number and personal identification number.